Thursday, December 17: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT | Action Plan Preview
Patrice Lahlum, Program Consultant, Great Plains Institute
- Elicit feedback on the action plan outline
- Tee-up work plan for 2021
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 969 6622 8636
Passcode: 925519
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+13017158592, 96966228636# US (Germantown)
+13126266799, 96966228636# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Event Date | 12-17-2020 12:00 pm |
Event End Date | 12-17-2020 1:00 pm |

Wednesday, December 9: 10:00 – 11:00 am CT | Class VI Update and Announced Projects
Jason Lanclos, Director, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, State Energy Office
Steve Carpenter, Director, Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute
Lee Beck, CCUS Policy Innovation Director, Clean Air Task Force
- Class VI Update
- Review of CATF Project Tracker
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 962 5079 4838
Passcode: 656828
One tap mobile
+16468769923, 96250794838# US (New York)
+13017158592, 96250794838# US (Germantown)
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Event Date | 12-09-2020 11:00 am |
Event End Date | 12-09-2020 12:00 pm |

EORI’s Director Dr. Steven M. Carpenter will be presenting on the topic of Wyoming’s Unique Position on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Feasibility in Wyoming
Is CCUS Feasible in WY? Wyoming's Unique Position in the World's CCUS Arena - The Cowboy Unicorn
hosted by Petrolern’s At-home Seminar Series (PASS)
May 22, 2020 at 12:00 pm EDT (10 AM MST)
The Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute is pleased to announce Dr. Steven M. Carpenter will be presenting on Wyoming’s CCUS feasible opportunities and will share and relate Wyoming’s unique position and leadership in CCUS research and technology. Dr. Carpenter is an engaging public speaker and a seasoned executive with 30 years of experience in the international energy and mining industry. He is an internationally recognized Subject Matter Expert on Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), climate change, carbon, and risk management issues. His work includes technical assessment, public policy, legal and regulatory issues, training and education.
PASS is designed to keep people learning and motivated during these difficult times with both the COVID-19 pandemic and low oil prices. Dr. Carpenter’s seminar can be accessed via Zoom meeting:
How to Join:
• Zoom Link to Join: Wyoming’s Unique Position with Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Feasibility in Wyoming – The Cowboy Unicorn
• Meeting ID: 811 8476 2119
• To see the full PASS series, hosted twice a week, please visit: https://www.petrolern.com
Event Date | 05-22-2020 10:00 am |
Event End Date | 05-22-2020 11:00 am |

Back to the Rockies - An Epoch of Adventure of Cretaceous Proportions
Join us September 15-18, 2019 at the Little American Hotel in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Event Message:
From jagged mountains to vast basins to supervolcanoes, Wyoming is a veritable geologic wonderland. Founded in 1943, the Wyoming Geological Association has a long history of promoting the science of geology in the state and is proud to host the meeting in legendary Cheyenne. Cheyenne’s unique location makes for easy travel from Denver yet far enough from the hustle and bustle of the big city to enjoy the quiet. The meeting will be held at the Little America Hotel & Resort, which presents easy access to everything Cheyenne has to offer. While you are in Cheyenne, be sure to take a tour of the capital or head to Terry Bison Ranch to get a burger and feed the bison.
Technical sessions include geophysics, D-J Basin Codell and Niobrara, Powder River Basin Plays, History of Oil in the Rockies, and a special tribute to Bill Cobban. Field Trips will take people to the Wall Creek and other tight sands of the PRB, Niobrara and Codell of the D-J, an impact crater, and on a whirlwind tour of the structural geology of Wyoming. Short courses offered to teach people new skills in unconventional resource evaluations, multivariate statistics, sequence stratigraphy, and selected core examinations. Don’t worry; guests will have the chance to visit Terry Bison Ranch or an ocre mine archaeology site among other fun activities. So, head on over to Cheyenne for the 2019 Rocky Mountain Section of AAPG annual meeting, I promise your experience will be legendary!!
Marron Bingle-Davis
General Chairman
2019 Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Planning Committee
Field Trips:
- In celebration of Back to the Cretaceous at this year’s trips include opportunities to explore a wide variety of key Cretaceous Aged Formations at the outcrop in both Wyoming and Colorado. Please note that space is limited so register today. Field trips will include transportation, box lunches and snacks.
- Evidence for a large Paleozoic Impact Crater Strewn Field in the Rocky Mountains
- Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Architecture of Upper Cretaceous Sandstone Reservoirs in the Powder River Basin
- Facies, sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characteristics of the Codell Sandstone, Wall Creek Sandstone, Sage Breaks Shale and Niobrara Formations, Denver, Powder River, Shirley and Laramie basins, CO and WY
- Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Fracture Characteristics of Tight Oil Sandstones in the Powder River Basin
Event Date | 09-15-2019 |
Event End Date | 09-18-2019 |
Individual Price | Visit Registration Website for Details |

For over twenty years now, the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair has brought industry leaders together to promote the very best in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming. EORI is pleased to join forces with the Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair to host this years event.
Dates for the 2019 Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair are set for September 11-12, 2019 at the Casper Events Center. Fair attendance is free and open to the public.
Drawings will be held during the exhibitor sponsored reception and grand prize at the end of the fair. You MUST be present to win! Everyone registered is eligible to win door prizes.
Booth space rental is available for vendors.
If you are interested in sponsoring the event please contact Dave Hutton with the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair at 307-258-4708
Visit the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair website for more information: https://www.wyogasfair.org/wngfa.htm
Event Date | 09-11-2019 |
Event End Date | 09-12-2019 |

This year the educational seminar and Networking party will be on Thursday, August 1st and the golf tournament and awards dinner on Friday, August 2nd at the Powder Horn Golf Club in Sheridan, Wyoming.
Learn more at: https://wylandman.com
For questions email:
Event Date | 08-01-2019 |
Event End Date | 08-02-2019 |
Individual Price | $40.00 |

Many "Wildcatter Seniors" would like to continue their friendships from past "Wildcatter's" Here is a chance to renew old acquaintances and be a part of the Rocky Mountain Senior "Wildcatter's " Golf Tournament. The "Seniors" tournament is for those who have retired from being actively engaged in the oil industry or for those who may still be active in "the patch" but would prefer to play a more leisurely game of golf.
In addition to the oilfield requirement, a player must be at least 40 years of age and their age and handicap must equal a total of at least 60 when added together.
Play will be a two day scramble with an 8 a.m. start. Prior to May 1, 2019 the first 144 paid up golfers from the 2018 Senior Wildcatter tournament, meeting the above qualifications, will make up the field which might include one lady player per foursome.
The pairing will be random. Consideration will be given for those with physical limitations who might not be able to participate in the entire tournament. Please note if you require special assistance, this will be discussed with you at registration.
Entry fee will include admittance to all "Wildcatters" evening social functions. (Does not include practice round or Saturday evening Banquet at Casper Country Club).
Event Date | 07-18-2019 9:00 am |
Event End Date | 07-20-2019 5:00 pm |
Individual Price | $150.00 |

Learn more: https://www.wildcattergolf.com
Event Date | 07-18-2019 6:00 am |
Event End Date | 07-20-2019 5:00 pm |
Individual Price | $300.00 |

Comparative Results of the Application of Reservoir Simulation to Spacing Optimization in Various Unconventional Plays
Miles Palke, P.E., Managing Senior Vice President and Member of the Board of Directors at Ryder Scott Company
Monday, June 17, 2019. 10:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Technical Presentation (approximately one hour) at 11:00 a.m. followed by Lunch.
will begin at 10:30 am.
True Commons, 465 N. Poplar Street, Casper, WY. For a videoconference link, please contact Leo Giangiacomo at least 24 hours prior to the event.
$40.00/person including lunch. $25.00/person for video conference w/o lunch to cover costs of video conference.
Pre-registration is required to get a headcount for planning purposes.
Lunch will be catered by HQ BBQ and will include ribs, brisket, chicken and various sides. Please sign up as soon as possible. Please RSVP to Amy or Rick, 307-234-3571 or
Membership in SPEE is not required to attend this meeting.
Continuing Education Credit
1.0 hour continuing education credit for qualified attendees
Rick Vine 307-234-3571 (office) or 307-752-0701 (cell) or
Leo Giangiacomo 307-224-5021 (office) or 307-259-1496 (cell) or
Speaker Bio
Miles Palke, P.E., is Managing Senior Vice President and member of the board of directors at Ryder Scott Company, has over 25 years of diverse experience as a reservoir engineer, working for E&P companies and Petroleum Engineering consultancies in a wide variety of roles. Prior to his current position as the manager of the reservoir simulation group at Ryder Scott, Palke worked at Arco and BHP Billiton on operated and non-operated offshore properties in the Gulf of Mexico and Trinidad. Palke previously worked at Ryder Scott and returned in 2009. He has a wide span of expertise, ranging from the practical application of technical reservoir engineering tools to field development, optimization, and reserves estimation, with heavy emphasis on the application of reservoir simulation. His background in consulting has resulted in exposure to a wide variety of reservoirs requiring an extensive array of technical solutions. Palke received his B.S. degree in Petroleum Engineering from Texas A&M University and an M.S. degree in Petroleum Engineering from Stanford University.
Event Date | 06-17-2019 10:30 am |
Event End Date | 06-17-2019 2:30 pm |
Individual Price | $40.00 / person |