Location: South Lincoln Training & Events Center, Expanded Training Room
215 Wyoming State Hwy. 233
Kemmerer, Wyoming

Livestream available on the Legislature's website at www.wyoleg.gov

Agenda: https://wyoleg.gov/Calendar/20230501/Meeting

Event Date 05-18-2023 8:30 am
Event End Date 05-19-2023

Location: PAW Headquarters, 2435 King Blvd, Casper, Wyoming 82604

Details: https://pawyo.org/leadership/

Event Date 05-16-2023 8:00 am
Event End Date 05-17-2023 4:00 pm

WOGF webinar

Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative

The Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair is pleased to present Mr. Matt Fry as a speaker for the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair Virtual Series event.

This webinar will focus on the Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative (WPCI). WPCI established corridors on public lands dedicated to future use of pipelines associated with carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and delivery of associated petroleum products.

Register Online

About the Presenter, Matt Fry

Matt Fry is the State and Regional Policy Manager, supporting the Carbon Management program, at the Great Plains Institute. Matt has over 20 years of experience in natural resource management, regulation and policy in both the public and private sectors. Matt served as a Senior Policy Advisor to Wyoming Governor, Matt Mead, where he focused on natural resource, energy and CCUS policy. Additionally, he developed and managed the Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative (WPCI), which was a project that culminated with a federal authorization for a statewide pipeline corridor system in Wyoming intended to facilitate development of CO2 pipeline infrastructure and incentivize CCUS project deployment.

Matt earned a Bachelor of Science in biology and chemistry from Davis & Elkins College, and a Master’s in Natural Resource Law from the University of Denver – Sturm College of Law.

About the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair

Now in its 26th year, the Wyoming’s Oil and Gas Fair has brought industry leaders together to promote the very best in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming.  In a world with many unknowns, rapidly shifting economic conditions, and an ever-changing regulatory environment, the landscape for the oil and gas industry is as it has never seen before.

As the event organizers, the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute’s goal this year is to offer Wyoming’s oil and gas industry a premier virtual conference event. Wyoming’s Oil and Gas Fair commits to educate, engage, and mobilize industry and state leadership to help identify problems and solutions in order to blaze a path forward and actively shape Wyoming’s energy future.

Additional Information:

If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Lon WhitmanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This event is FREE but registration is required. Please register by Wednesday January 18th at 5pm.

You can submit questions for the speakers during registration or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Register Online

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Event Date 01-19-2022 1:30 pm
Event End Date 01-19-2022 2:30 pm
Individual Price FREE - Registration is Required

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

CCUS Development in Wyoming Webinar

Please join us for the School of Energy Resources’ ‘CCUS Development in Wyoming' Webinar. This panel discussion will offer guidance on Class VI Permitting in Wyoming, explore pore space leasing issues as well as opportunties for CCUS in Wyoming. 

Thursday, December 16, 2021 | 10:00 AM

Worth 1.5 Hours of CLE with the Wyomnig State Bar 

Please ensure your email address is correct. You will be emailed the webinar link 24 hours in advance of the webinar. 

For any questions about the event, please contact Christine Reed at the School of Energy Resources: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | (307) 766-6708


Event Date 12-16-2021 10:00 am
Event End Date 12-16-2021 11:30 am
Individual Price FREE - Registration is Required
Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Hearing

Hearing Agenda

Meetings begin at: 9:00 A.M.

I. Roll Call of the Commissioners
II. Chairman's Report
III. Supervisor's Report
IV. Commissioners' Discussion/Comments
V. Call of the Docket
VI. Hearings
VII. Examiner's Report
VIII. Adjournment

Event Date 12-14-2021 9:00 am
Midland CO2 Conference

Stimulating conversations between the field and office for 26 years

Organized by the Enhanced Oil Recovery’s Technical Advisory Board member, Mr. Steve Melzer and co-sponsored by SPE Permian Basin Section, the Midland CO2 Conference will focus on best CO2 practices and field tested innovations.

Monday, December 6 – Field trip to West Seminole CO2 Flood

Tuesday, December 7 – CO2 EOR Carbon Management Workshop: New Policies and Incentives

Wednesday, December 8

  • Morning – U.S. and WW carbon Capture & Storage Projects: Underway and Planned
  • Luncheon and PM: Large Volume Injections; Water as an Analog to carbon capture and storage
  • Evening – SPE and Kinder Morgan CO2 Sponsored Reception at the Petroleum Museum

Thursday, December 9 – CO2-EOR Two Theme Sessions with world wide and Permian Basin CO2 Case Histories

Midland CO2 Conference details

Register Here

Event Date 12-06-2021
Event End Date 12-09-2021
Individual Price See Event Website
SPE Continuing Education Presentation with Ron Auflick

Society of Petroleum Engineers, Wyoming Petroleum Section

CONTINUING EDUCATION PRESENTATION, Ron Auflick Retired-Wold Energy Partners

Friday, November 12, 2021
True River Cross Commons
Breakfast: 7:15 am
Presentation: 8:00 to 11:30 am
Cost: $60/person (cash/check)
RSVP by Nov 4 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Imagine a calm hot day in California or a cold day in Texas, what do they have in common? With the impending energy shortage (natural gas and oil) and the inability of green energy to step up, can todays’ energy professionals use their historically proven talents to innovate and deliver? On November 12th Ron Auflick will look at the oil industry using his 40 + year perspective and share ideas on where the energy industry has to go. Innovations advancing the shale revolution into territories where stimulation is banned will be one of the key take away from his offerings. Additionally the emerging love of geothermal will be dissected. Can existing oil and gas wells be converted to geothermal? See how focusing the talents of today’s oil professionals may be the key to growth in geothermal.

Ron Auflick is a Casper based engineer that has over 41 years of diverse domestic and international experience. Some of you may have attended previous SPE short course he taught (2010 and 2015). Focusing on directional, horizontal and extended reach drilling, Ron has been directly involved in hundreds of unconventionals in 10 states and some 31 countries including the current world record ERD wells. Departing from Oil & Gas, in 2021 he partnered with three other oil professions and now is focused on geothermal. Ron has authored papers or given presentations for PAW, WGA, SPE, AADE, Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair, American OIL & Gas Reporter, Oilfield Review, and for American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Download Brochure


Event Date 11-12-2021 7:15 am
Event End Date 11-12-2021 11:30 am
Individual Price $60/person (cash/check)
Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Hearing

Hearing Agenda

Meetings begin at: 9:00 A.M.

I. Roll Call of the Commissioners
II. Chairman's Report
III. Supervisor's Report
IV. Commissioners' Discussion/Comments
V. Call of the Docket
VI. Hearings
VII. Examiner's Report
VIII. Adjournment

Event Date 11-09-2021 9:00 am
Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair 2021 Webinar - Event #2

Ambient Seismic Imaging – Optimizing Reservoir Recovery

The Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair is pleased to present Jeffrey Eppink as a speaker for the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair Virtual Series event. This webinar will focus on Ambient Seismic Imaging that creates 3D maps of fluid flows within reservoirs. This technology can help maximize the efficiencies of secondary and tertiary recovery programs, optimize completions in unconventional reservoirs as well as monitor the effectiveness of carbon storage efforts.

Ambient Seismic Imaging (ASI) can continuously map, in four dimensions, areas with high fluid flow within a reservoir. Using ASI, operators can see, with high-resolution mapping, how injection fluid is moving through a reservoir in almost real time. This ability provides an outstanding opportunity for operators to continuously monitor fluid movements during improved or enhanced recovery efforts and to make adjustments accordingly to maximize a program’s effectiveness. Additionally, ASI can help optimize drilling locations by accurately mapping fracture patterns and can help to monitor and evaluate carbon storage projects.

Register Online

About the Presenter, Jeffrey Eppink

Jeffrey Eppink has over 40 years of experience in international and domestic energy including oil, gas, carbon capture, utilization and storage, geothermal, biomass, wind, solar and coal.  Complementing his technical and analytical skills, Jeffrey has a strong reputation for insightful, unbiased analysis and assessment, often in support of energy policy for public and private clients.  He has been highly involved in technology development for the energy industry.

He has managed or worked on projects in over 35 countries. He has given numerous presentations to senior industry executives and government officials and has provided testimony and presentation to the US Congress and the White House on energy issues. He is registered as a geologist and a geophysicist in California and as a geologist is Wyoming.  He is a member of the Explorers Club.

Jeffrey worked for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Chevron Overseas Petroleum and has been an American Association for the Advancement of Science Diplomacy Fellow below establishing Enegis, LLC. He has a BS in geology from California Polytechnic, an MS in applied geophysics from the University of Southern California, and an MBA from Virginia Tech.

He has been presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who.  

About the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair

Now in its 25th year, the Wyoming’s Oil and Gas Fair has brought industry leaders together to promote the very best in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming.  In a world with many unknowns, rapidly shifting economic conditions, and an ever-changing regulatory environment, the landscape for the oil and gas industry is as it has never seen before.

As the event organizers, the Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute’s goal this year is to offer Wyoming’s oil and gas industry a premier virtual conference event. Wyoming’s Oil and Gas Fair commits to educate, engage, and mobilize industry and state leadership to help identify problems and solutions in order to blaze a path forward and actively shape Wyoming’s energy future.

Additional Information:

If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Lon WhitmanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This event is FREE but registration is required. Please register by Wednesday October 27th at 5pm.

You can submit questions for the speakers during registration or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Register Online

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Event Date 10-28-2021 1:30 pm
Event End Date 10-28-2021 2:30 pm
Individual Price FREE - Registration is Required

We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Hearing

Hearing Agenda

Meetings begin at: 9:00 A.M.

I. Roll Call of the Commissioners
II. Chairman's Report
III. Supervisor's Report
IV. Commissioners' Discussion/Comments
V. Call of the Docket
VI. Hearings
VII. Examiner's Report
VIII. Adjournment

Event Date 10-12-2021 9:00 am