EORI Library
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Electrifying the Oilfield: The Comparative Economics of Grid Power and Onsite Gas Generators (Draft Jan 30 2017)

When it comes to electrifying the oilfield, the industry narrows its focus onto monthly energy charges (energy, demand, and basic charges), somewhat disregarding the considerable capital expenditures necessary to build out and maintain electric infrastructure. Onsite generation may not be the optimal solution in every application, but at least in terms of cost in the current environment, generators appear to offer a competitive alternative.

Transport Infrastructure for Carbon Capture and Storage

The Great Plains Institute (GPI) and the University of Wyoming’s Jeffrey Brown explore the planning of CO2 transportation networks on a regional scale and ascertains the economic and environmental benefits that can be achieved through economies of scale to meet the US midcentury decarbonization goals.

This paper represents the results of modeling efforts to identifying regional scale CO2 transport infrastructure that would serve existing facilities and allow participation by new capture projects and facilities in the near future.