Northern Rockies Chapter of SPEE Meeting

PROGRAM: Leo A. Giangiacomo, P.E. – Extreme Petroleum Technology – Understanding Oil Price Trends
Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018. 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Two-hour Technical Presentation followed by lunch.
Registration: Registration will start at 8:30 am with coffee, beverages and light snacks.
Location: Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Meeting Room, 2211 King Boulevard, Casper, WY. This meeting will be video conferenced to select locations.
Cost: $20.00/person. Online registration is recommended to guarantee seating and lunch. Register by Wednesday, April 17, 2018 at 5:00 pm. Onsite registration may be available on first come basis for cash or check only. Membership in SPEE is not required to attend this meeting.
Lunch: BBQ Lunch following the presentation, provided by Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (EORI) in the Bighorn Room at the Wyoming Technology Business Center (WTBC), 2435 King Blvd, next door to the WOGCC.
Continuing Education Credit: 2.0 hours continuing education credit for attendees as requested prior to the meeting.
Questions? Contact us:
Rick Vine 307-234-3571 (office) or 307-752-0701 (cell) or
Leo Giangiacomo 307-224-5021 (office) or 307-259-1496 (cell) or
Rob Hurless 307-315-6443 (office) or 307-259-0494 (cell) or
Presentation Abstract:
Oil and gas prices affect everything that we do in the oil industry. They seem impossible to predict. Yet, there are some elements that can be better understood and greatly improve our outlook. By dividing up the price environment and looking at all of the factors separately, we find that they can be digested more easily piece by piece, and then adding them all up to get a tighter look at the future. There will always be some pieces that cannot be evaluated with any certainty, but knowing what they are helps us to deal with the uncertainty better.
Supply and demand forms the basis for market pricing, but demand is the most important influence on markets. Geopolitical factors layer upon supply and demand and have a higher frequency effect. Finally, analysts and market psychology form the uppermost and highest frequency response to pricing. We will examine how this system works to form the pricing environment we experience.
Presenter Leo A. Giangiacomo, PE
Leo Giangiacomo is the president of Extreme Petroleum Technology. He holds a BS degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from Penn State in 1978. He is a registered Professional Engineer (Petroleum) in Wyoming.
He started his career with Texaco in South Louisiana. They transferred him to Casper in 1981, where he has remained. He worked for a series of contractors at the Naval Petroleum Reserve #3 until 1998, when he started Extreme Petroleum Technology, with his spouse Kathleen.
He has worked on CO2 floods, steamfloods, ASP floods, tight gas development, multilateral well and LWD technology development, field redevelopment, integrated reservoir description and simulation studies, drilling well programs, wellsite supervision, horizontal well fracture completion design, stimulation optimization, reserves evaluations, property acquisitions and divestment, and economics. He has experience in the Rockies, MidContinent, Gulf Coast, Alaska, Hungary, Australia, Kazakhstan, and Nigeria.
He is a current member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, Wyoming Geological Association, and American Association of Professional Geologists. He currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Northern Rockies Section of SPEE and on the Technical Review Committee for SPE’s Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation Journal and Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, where he was named Outstanding Technical Editor in 2006. He publishes a weekly newsletter on the oil and gas industry and joins Chuck Gray’s Wyoming Mornings show on KVOC 1230 AM Tuesday mornings for an oil and gas industry update.
Event Properties
Event Date | 04-25-2018 9:00 am |
Event End Date | 04-25-2018 1:00 pm |
Individual Price | $20.00 / person |