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Wyoming is CCUS Ready

The Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute (EORI) has published the Wyoming is CCUS Ready! StoryMap highlighting Wyoming’s leadership in carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in order to meet mid-century net-negative CO2 emissions.

The StoryMap highlights Wyoming’s preparedness for CCUS through infrastructure, geology and tax incentives. Wyoming is CCUS Ready! identifies financial and environmental benefits to Wyoming and the nation by utilizing CCUS technology. 

EORI’s new story map underscores the progress that Wyoming has made to incentivize CCUS technologies used to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fueled power plants and from other industrial activities including trona and cement plants. CCUS not only reduces harmful CO2 emissions through capture and safe geologic storage but can also be utilized commercially in played-out oil fields.  CCUS helps to provide energy security by fostering energy diversity and furthering investments in existing infrastructure.

EORI is here to help and has strong partnerships with the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources and the Wyoming Energy Authority to deliver expertise and CCUS solutions.

To view the Wyoming is CCUS Ready! StoryMap and learn how Wyoming is poised to play a critical role in meeting net negative emissions by midcentury, visit Wyoming is CCUS Ready!

Explore EORI’s Map Gallery featuring interactive maps that highlight EORI’s research including our Wyoming Pipeline Infrastructure map and CCUS Opportunities in Wyoming.