EORI Library
Find publications about Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

EORI Library

As a part of our implementing our mission, we have conducted and facilitated studies, presentations and other documents on the topic of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). These documents are broken into subcategories to help you find the information pertinent to each topic. 


Power Management of the Multi-well pad with Flared Gas
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by Mike Mayers, aggreko.  Topics include Natural Gas vs. Diesel power generation, Utilizing Flared or Stranded Gas, Powering & tie–in multiple single well pads and more.

Ecological Deal Breakers
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by Aaron Maier, Trihydro.  Topics include Current status and future challenges, Wildlife Resources, Future industry directions and potential challenges and more.

Will North American LNG Exports Impact Rockies Natural Gas Prices?
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by John Harpole, Mercator Energy.  Topics include Energy Security,  Key insights on U.S. drilling productivity and production trends production trends, Large Scale Industrials Additions and more.

Crude Oil Midstream Infrastructure… Trucks, Pipelines and Rail
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by Brian Freed, Crestwood Midstream Partners.  Topics include Introduction to Crestwood Midstream, Overview of our Gas Gathering And Processing In WY, Overview Of the WY Crude Oil Midstream Market and more.

Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by Trisha Fanning, Trihydro.  Topics include Emerging Issues Affecting Legacy Liability, Types of Legacy Issues Associated with Oil & Gas Development, Air Compliance Updates and more.

Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by Tom Doll, UND Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC).  Topics include Bakken Production History, Select EERC Programs, Current Development, and more.

Wyoming: The Pivot-Point in the Natural Gas Market
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by William F. Demarest of Husch Blackwell. Topics include how radical changes in natural gas markets have disproportionately affected Wyoming production, trends in pricing, demand and production in key markets, pipelines and more.

The Rise of MLPs and Implications for Wyoming
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil and Gas Fair by Baird. Topics include company background on Baird, financial indicators and outlook, energy macro, MLP specifics, MLP's in Wyoming and other information.

BTU Analytics, Finding the Premium Markets for US Crude
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Presentation by BTU Anaytics at the 2014 Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair. Topics include market analysis and conculsions, domestic demand, rail infrastructure in Wyoming, and more.

True Pipelines, WOGF 2014
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Presentation at the 2014 Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair by True Companies on the topic of pipelines. 

The North American Oil Market, Wyoming in Context
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Trisha Curtis, Director of Research Upstream and Midstream for the Energy Policy Research Foundation, Inc. presents "The North American Oil Market - Wyoming in Context" at the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair (WOGF) in September 2014. Topics covered include North American production, permit activity, shale forcast, imports, drilling activity and production and more.

Brian Jeffries presents for the Wyoming Pipeline Authority at the Wyoming Oil & Gas Fair (WOGF) in September 2014 in Jackson, Wyoming. Topics covered in the presentation include natural gas pricing, capacity, comparisons between natural gas and crude oil, building models for Wyoming energy, energy transportation options and more.

Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiative
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Matt Fry presents on the topic of Wyoming Pipeline Corridor Initiave to the Wyoming Pipeline Authority on June 16, 2016.

National and Global Crude Oil Outlook, WPA Presentation 2015
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Trisha Curtis of the Energy Policy Research Foundation presentation at the 2015 Wyoming Pipeline Authority public meeting in 2015. Topics covered includes information about EPRINC, oil prices, forecasting errors, drilling, production, permit activity and more.

Anne Swedberg - Bentek Energy, North American Power & Gas Content
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Anne Swedberg, Manager, North American Power and Gas Content presents at the Wyoming Pipeline Authority Meeting in 2015. Topics covered include US production growth, exports, demand, pipelines, coal switching and other related energy topics.