EORI Library
Find publications about Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR).

EORI Library

As a part of our implementing our mission, we have conducted and facilitated studies, presentations and other documents on the topic of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). These documents are broken into subcategories to help you find the information pertinent to each topic. 


Carbon Regulation, Federal and State Updates
 894.18 KB

CO2SCOPETM EORI's Economic Scoping Model
 4.37 MB

A brief introduction to the key capital budgeting financial metrics used in evaluating projects, how those rules can be used to allocate scarce capital to the highest value projects, and a guided discussion with attendees on how these concepts apply to evaluating EOR projects.

Ash Minnelusa Unit Conclusions

• Monitor, monitor, monitor. Make changes based upon reservoir response.
• Improved understanding of the problem improves process application and results
• Volumetric sweep (gels) should be applied before mobility control
• Implement gel processes early for maximum benefits
• Incremental oil expected to exceed 400,000 BBLS (18.4%%5 OOIP) for $0.88/BBL
• Field experience is critical with gel processes. Experience at Ash can be applied to other reservoirs