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Wyoming’s Potential to Support Carbon Capture and Sequestration

The White House’s American Jobs Plan points to Wyoming’s potential to support clean energy jobs

The Biden Administration has published summary sheets for each state in a push for support of his $2.3T American Jobs Plan.  Wyoming’s summary sheet highlights the state’s “outsized potential for innovative energy technologies including carbon capture and sequestration and geothermal energy generation, that create good paying union jobs.”

“As of 2019, there were 8,721 Wyomingites working in clean energy, and the American Jobs Plan invests in building that industry through a reformed and expended Section 45Q tax credit and extending renewable energy tax credits,” the summary sheet states.

The American Jobs Plan also aims to “put the energy industry to work plugging orphan oil and gas wells and cleaning up abandoned mines.”  No mention is made of the expected longevity of these tasks nor of the number of workers these tasks would employ in Wyoming.

“In addition to creating good jobs in hard-hit communities, this investment will reduce the methane and brine that leaks from these wells, just as we invest in reducing leaks from other sources like aging pipes and distribution systems” states the American Jobs Fact Sheet.

Read Wyoming’s summary sheet for the American Jobs Plan here.