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CarbonSAFE Project

The School of Energy Resource’s (SER) Center for Economic Geology Research (CEGR) at the University of Wyoming officially launched Phase 3 of the CarbonSAFE project last month.

The Wyoming CarbonSAFE Project (Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise) is among 13 original carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) project sites in the U.S. Funded by the DOE, the project’s ultimate goal is to ensure carbon storage complexes will be ready for integrated CCUS system deployment.

Phase 3 project objectives are to finalize site characterization; complete Class 6 permitting to construct; integrate Membrane Technology and Research Inc.’s CO2 capture assessment; and conduct National Environmental Policy Act analyses to advance toward the eventual commercialization of a large-scale -- storage of 50 million metric tons of CO2 within a 30-year period -- CCUS project at Dry Fork Station.

“Phase 3 will be the phase that tees up commercial operation at the study site, but also for other areas in Wyoming,” says Scott Quillinan, director of UW’s CEGR. “By the completion of Phase 3, the project team will have finalized all site characterization and Class 6 permitting activities, thereby leaving the project poised to begin final commercialization actions with the consent of project partners. In so doing, the project will have commercially advanced CCUS technologies both in terms of reservoir characterization in the CO2 storage context, and in obtaining the first Class 6 permit to construct in Wyoming so that others may follow suit.”

Read the entire press release here.