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Carbon Capture Technology

Jeff Brown, University of Wyoming’s Director of Energy Economics explains in an interview by Wyoming Public Media how carbon capture works and emphasizes that carbon capture technology is paramount for combating climate change.

Brown explains that carbon capture technology to mitigate climate change could reduce the cost by 2.4 times.  Wyoming could benefit from this technology because it has both capture and storage sites.  "Carbon capture can especially benefit industries and states that emit a lot of CO2 and also have very productive uses for the captured CO2," said Brown. "Wyoming's a good example. We have a lot of coal power plants that are well maintained and have cheap locally mined coal and also Wyoming has an innovative oil industry that can put the CO2 underground."

Brown’s analysis shows that capture projects located close to injection sites are advantageous and allow for near-term project feasibility.  Federal tax credit incentives for sequestering CO2 with an opportunity to decrease the cost of oil production. 

Read the full interview here

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